Letter written in the year 2070


The year is 2070 and I have just turned 50, but my appearance is of somebody of 85 .

Have serious kidney problems, because I drink very little water. I believe I have left little time . I am one of the oldest people in this society .

I remember when I was 5 years old . Everything was very different . There were many trees in the parks , houses had beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy having a shower for about an hour .

Nowadays we use towels with mineral oil to cleanse the skin . Before all women showed their beautiful hair . Now we shave her head to keep it clean without water .

Before my father washed his car with water coming out of a hose . Today the boys do not believe that water was used that way. Remember the many ads that said TAKE CARE OF WATER , just that no one cared for them; thought that water could never finish .

Now , all the rivers , lakes, dams and underground water beds are either dry or contaminated . Before the amount of water indicated as ideal drinking was eight glasses per day per adult. Today I can only drink half a glass .

The clothing is disposable , which greatly increases the amount of trash ; had to go back to using septic pits ( pits ) as in the past century because sewers are not used due to lack of water.

The appearance of the population is horrible , emaciated bodies , wrinkled from dehydration , full of sores caused by ultraviolet rays , since we have no ozone layer in the atmosphere that filtered . An immense desert landscape that surrounds us on all sides . The gastro – intestinal infections , and skin and urinary tract are the main causes of death .

Industry is paralyzed and unemployment is dramatic . Desalination plants are the main source of employment and pay you with drinking water instead of salary.

Assaults by a gallon of water are on the deserted streets . Food is 80 % synthetic . Ressequidade the skin a youthful 20 years looks as if it had 40 .

Scientists investigate , but no possible solution . You can not manufacture water . The oxygen is also degraded by lack of trees which reduced the intellectual capacity of future generations .

Changed the morphology of spermatozoa in many individuals as a result many children with deficiencies, mutations and malformations .

The government has already charge us for the air we breathe : 137m3 per day per adult person . People who can not pay are taken from the “ventilated zones ” , which are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs driven by solar energy, are not of good quality but can breathe , the average age is 35 years .

In some countries there are patches of vegetation with their own streams which is heavily guarded by the army . The water is now a very coveted treasure, more precious than gold or diamonds . Here there are no trees because it hardly ever rains , and when it gets to register precipitation is acid rain , the seasons have been severely affected by the atomic tests and contaminant industry of the twentieth century. Warned that if there was to look after the environment and nobody cared . When my daughter asks me to tell him when he was young that were describe the beautiful woods, the rain , the flowers , the pleasant was to swim and fish in the rivers and dams, to drink all the water you wanted , how healthy people were .

She asks me , “Daddy, just because the water ? ” I feel a lump in my throat , I can not help feeling guilty , because I belong to the generation that destroyed the environment or simply do not take into account so many warnings . Now our children pay a high price and sincerely believe that life on earth will not be possible within a very short time, because the destruction of the environment has reached an irreversible point .

How would you like to go back and make all mankind understood this when we could still do something to save our Earth !



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