5 Replies to “SAVE OUR PLANET!!!”

  1. Lovely photos with no credits makes me wonder who shot the pics and who assembled them as a video.

    As to the rest of the vidprop (my short term for ‘video propaganda’), it represents one narrow viewpoint in a rather complex conversation with many more voices.

    To me the message, Pay attention to this, seems more valuable than your apparent message, Time is running out so act now, mostly because you offer no suggestions about appropriate action.

    I assure you, aside from both my spouse’s and my computers plus the furnace that warms us amidst today’s winter temperatures here in Midwestern North America, we have turned off our electrical devices, recycled our recyclables, and generally rued the day of our birth as plunderers of our fair planet. Is there anything else you might have us do?

  2. Well .. My intention in this post was only to convey a message of awareness…
    And I always use internet resources to express my ideas and thoughts

  3. Awareness was exactly what I got out of it. It is all things that I knew already, but it’s not like every post has to present an idea new to all the world.

  4. Informative, interesting and a little melodramatic. Awareness is a good thing so I welcome the reminder. I also realize we’ve been presented with a slanted, somewhat simplistic version of the truth here so I try to see things from both sides. As Jerry mentioned, my wife and I recycle, keep our thermostat a little lower and layer our clothing in colder weather, etc etc. Moderation in all things, as good ole Dad would advise.

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