Good morning sunshine!



Good morning sunshine!

Thanks for coming

for having ripped the mist

to keep me company .


How beautiful you are !

It has the beauty that I wanted to

 it seems that its rays

touch the face of God .


One day I ‘ll be with you

every morning at sunrise

I will tell you of my dreams

I’ll show them to you .


And be my friend

my lover and companion

unveil the world with me

will be my best partner .


This color so unique

that no painter would ever copied

is what made me fall in love

and wanting it more and more.


Every time I see him born, as now

it’s like the first time

wanted to hold him , not let him go

but freedom is his story .


A story like mine

that many have tried to unravel ,

but fled in terror

afraid of me , and you .


So just so we both

finding ourselves once in a while

 I giving myself to his caresses

to feel your warmth on my skin


the way that only you know …

the way that only you can …


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