Forgotten Memories…


The Memories That I Remember


I picked you up one night at a bar

I took you to my home in my car

We both started a new life together

The way you promised me forever

The time at the mall, the gothic dress

They way you looked, I was impressed

The Memories of last December

Are all Memories That I Remember


The Memories That I Regret


The year that I wasted with you

The money that I spent on you

The way that you ruined my life

Kept me from ending it with a knife

I’m left here with all of this pain

I’m lost left with nothing to gain

The Memories I Want To Forget

Are all Memories That I Regret


The Memories I Want To Forget


The Memories That I Remember

The Memories That I Regret

The Memories of last December

Are all Memories I Want To Forget


Destroy all of these Forgotten Memories


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