
Each person has a story …

A long history woven with the thread of life …


Doing this we weave many beautiful things …

We are learning many things …

Discovering feelings …

Love …


But with this same yarn weave things not so beautiful …

Of whom later regretted …


It is where the fabric is full of us and

feel very guilty for these

pieces of the plot …


We try to break the thread that no practical

know these pieces we prefer

hide until the same people …


But the thread of life can not be busted …

It is woven …


And nor does it hide these parts of

we regret …

There is no way to delete this piece of our history …


But there is one thing we can do …

If we look at our lives

Eye of the Eagle

What is the only bird that looks directly

to the sun and you see above,

with a broad vision, the master plan …

We will see that the fabric of our lives

There is little light that is more

strong in some points …

Just those points where we gave the

that both make us feel guilty …


It’s where we always have shade,

light is waiting to be unleashed …


So …

When we accept our humanity with Love and Forgiveness …

Let slowly and carefully …

undoing those knots and making the learning

contained in those stories …

Always with Love …


And from there …

with wires release

we weave a beautiful story …

A beautiful fabric of light and love with one wire

was then available for a new fabric …


Only now it is enriched with

Wisdom and Love …


The thread of life become more beautiful by

sure that we had the courage to live

that was our story …


What we build from here …

then brings a taste of Hope and a

smell of Dawn

because this new story is woven by hand

Now recall that the ways of love…



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