Recipe for a Better World



Three tablespoons of peace

Two tablespoons of affection

A dash of comprehension

Four cups of respect

A trickle of joy

One tablespoon of faith.


Preparation: Mix all ingredients well, until the mixture is smooth. Take a little every day and distribute the next.


Cloony The Clown – by Shel Silverstein


I’ll tell you the story of Cloony the Clown
Who worked in a circus that came through town.
His shoes were too big and his hat was too small,
But he just wasn’t, just wasn’t funny at all.
He had a trombone to play loud silly tunes,
He had a green dog and a thousand balloons.
He was floppy and sloppy and skinny and tall,
But he just wasn’t, just wasn’t funny at all.
And every time he did a trick,
Everyone felt a little sick.
And every time he told a joke,
Folks sighed as if their hearts were broke.
And every time he lost a shoe,
Everyone looked awfully blue.
And every time he stood on his head,
Everyone screamed, “Go back to bed!”
And every time he made a leap,
Everybody fell asleep.
And every time he ate his tie,
Everyone began to cry.
And Cloony could not make any money
Simply because he was not funny.
One day he said, “I’ll tell this town
How it feels to be an unfunny clown.”
And he told them all why he looked so sad,
And he told them all why he felt so bad.
He told of Pain and Rain and Cold,
He told of Darkness in his soul,
And after he finished his tale of woe,
Did everyone cry? Oh no, no, no,
They laughed until they shook the trees
With “Hah-Hah-Hahs” and “Hee-Hee-Hees.”
They laughed with howls and yowls and shrieks,
They laughed all day, they laughed all week,
They laughed until they had a fit,
They laughed until their jackets split.
The laughter spread for miles around
To every city, every town,
Over mountains, ‘cross the sea,
From Saint Tropez to Mun San Nee.
And soon the whole world rang with laughter,
Lasting till forever after,
While Cloony stood in the circus tent,
With his head drooped low and his shoulders bent.
And while the world laughed outside.
Cloony the Clown sat down and cried.


Letter written in the year 2070


The year is 2070 and I have just turned 50, but my appearance is of somebody of 85 .

Have serious kidney problems, because I drink very little water. I believe I have left little time . I am one of the oldest people in this society .

I remember when I was 5 years old . Everything was very different . There were many trees in the parks , houses had beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy having a shower for about an hour .

Nowadays we use towels with mineral oil to cleanse the skin . Before all women showed their beautiful hair . Now we shave her head to keep it clean without water .

Before my father washed his car with water coming out of a hose . Today the boys do not believe that water was used that way. Remember the many ads that said TAKE CARE OF WATER , just that no one cared for them; thought that water could never finish .

Now , all the rivers , lakes, dams and underground water beds are either dry or contaminated . Before the amount of water indicated as ideal drinking was eight glasses per day per adult. Today I can only drink half a glass .

The clothing is disposable , which greatly increases the amount of trash ; had to go back to using septic pits ( pits ) as in the past century because sewers are not used due to lack of water.

The appearance of the population is horrible , emaciated bodies , wrinkled from dehydration , full of sores caused by ultraviolet rays , since we have no ozone layer in the atmosphere that filtered . An immense desert landscape that surrounds us on all sides . The gastro – intestinal infections , and skin and urinary tract are the main causes of death .

Industry is paralyzed and unemployment is dramatic . Desalination plants are the main source of employment and pay you with drinking water instead of salary.

Assaults by a gallon of water are on the deserted streets . Food is 80 % synthetic . Ressequidade the skin a youthful 20 years looks as if it had 40 .

Scientists investigate , but no possible solution . You can not manufacture water . The oxygen is also degraded by lack of trees which reduced the intellectual capacity of future generations .

Changed the morphology of spermatozoa in many individuals as a result many children with deficiencies, mutations and malformations .

The government has already charge us for the air we breathe : 137m3 per day per adult person . People who can not pay are taken from the “ventilated zones ” , which are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs driven by solar energy, are not of good quality but can breathe , the average age is 35 years .

In some countries there are patches of vegetation with their own streams which is heavily guarded by the army . The water is now a very coveted treasure, more precious than gold or diamonds . Here there are no trees because it hardly ever rains , and when it gets to register precipitation is acid rain , the seasons have been severely affected by the atomic tests and contaminant industry of the twentieth century. Warned that if there was to look after the environment and nobody cared . When my daughter asks me to tell him when he was young that were describe the beautiful woods, the rain , the flowers , the pleasant was to swim and fish in the rivers and dams, to drink all the water you wanted , how healthy people were .

She asks me , “Daddy, just because the water ? ” I feel a lump in my throat , I can not help feeling guilty , because I belong to the generation that destroyed the environment or simply do not take into account so many warnings . Now our children pay a high price and sincerely believe that life on earth will not be possible within a very short time, because the destruction of the environment has reached an irreversible point .

How would you like to go back and make all mankind understood this when we could still do something to save our Earth !



Good morning sunshine!



Good morning sunshine!

Thanks for coming

for having ripped the mist

to keep me company .


How beautiful you are !

It has the beauty that I wanted to

 it seems that its rays

touch the face of God .


One day I ‘ll be with you

every morning at sunrise

I will tell you of my dreams

I’ll show them to you .


And be my friend

my lover and companion

unveil the world with me

will be my best partner .


This color so unique

that no painter would ever copied

is what made me fall in love

and wanting it more and more.


Every time I see him born, as now

it’s like the first time

wanted to hold him , not let him go

but freedom is his story .


A story like mine

that many have tried to unravel ,

but fled in terror

afraid of me , and you .


So just so we both

finding ourselves once in a while

 I giving myself to his caresses

to feel your warmth on my skin


the way that only you know …

the way that only you can …


Forgotten Memories…


The Memories That I Remember


I picked you up one night at a bar

I took you to my home in my car

We both started a new life together

The way you promised me forever

The time at the mall, the gothic dress

They way you looked, I was impressed

The Memories of last December

Are all Memories That I Remember


The Memories That I Regret


The year that I wasted with you

The money that I spent on you

The way that you ruined my life

Kept me from ending it with a knife

I’m left here with all of this pain

I’m lost left with nothing to gain

The Memories I Want To Forget

Are all Memories That I Regret


The Memories I Want To Forget


The Memories That I Remember

The Memories That I Regret

The Memories of last December

Are all Memories I Want To Forget


Destroy all of these Forgotten Memories




Each person has a story …

A long history woven with the thread of life …


Doing this we weave many beautiful things …

We are learning many things …

Discovering feelings …

Love …


But with this same yarn weave things not so beautiful …

Of whom later regretted …


It is where the fabric is full of us and

feel very guilty for these

pieces of the plot …


We try to break the thread that no practical

know these pieces we prefer

hide until the same people …


But the thread of life can not be busted …

It is woven …


And nor does it hide these parts of

we regret …

There is no way to delete this piece of our history …


But there is one thing we can do …

If we look at our lives

Eye of the Eagle

What is the only bird that looks directly

to the sun and you see above,

with a broad vision, the master plan …

We will see that the fabric of our lives

There is little light that is more

strong in some points …

Just those points where we gave the

that both make us feel guilty …


It’s where we always have shade,

light is waiting to be unleashed …


So …

When we accept our humanity with Love and Forgiveness …

Let slowly and carefully …

undoing those knots and making the learning

contained in those stories …

Always with Love …


And from there …

with wires release

we weave a beautiful story …

A beautiful fabric of light and love with one wire

was then available for a new fabric …


Only now it is enriched with

Wisdom and Love …


The thread of life become more beautiful by

sure that we had the courage to live

that was our story …


What we build from here …

then brings a taste of Hope and a

smell of Dawn

because this new story is woven by hand

Now recall that the ways of love…





A single rose to lane
A single rose to slain
A single rose to hide my pain

A single rose to turn the tide 
A single rose to make roads wide
A single rose as my guild

A single rose to rise the soul
A single rose to widen the hole 
A single rose to achieve a goal

A single rose to melt the heart
A single rose to force a start
A single rose to cult

A single rose to freeze my body
A single rose to mourn this memory
A single rose to start a life
A single rose to end the strife 

Dheeraj Haran


The dove of truth


The dove of truth is sitting in our garden
Our gaze inside the room
Light and truth just outside our window
Our eyes see only gloom

The dove of truth is making dovely sounds
Our ears like better beat and drum
Love and truth just outside our window
But our ears are deaf for them

The dove of truth is still sitting in our garden
Her message clearly there
Love and light just outside our window
But our egos would not care 

If just our ego could be silenced 
The dove of truth is never far away
Truth, light and love is all around, 
Our soul will pray.

Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth 

Aufie Zophy
Submitted: Friday, July 23, 2010