The Man and The Woman


Man is the highest of creatures;

The woman is the most sublime ideals.

Man is the brain;

The woman is the heart.

The brain produces light;

The heart, LOVE.

Light fruitful love resurrects.

The man is strong by reason;

The woman is invincible tears.

The reason convinces the tears move.

The man is capable of all heroism;

The woman, of all martyrs.

The ennobling heroism, martyrdom sublime.

The man is a code;

The woman is a gospel.

The code corrects, the gospel perfects.

The man is a temple, the woman is the tabernacle.

Before the temple we discover ourselves;

Kneel before the tabernacle.

The man thinks, the woman dreams.

Thinking is to have the skull, a larva;

Dreaming is having on the forehead, a halo.

The man is an ocean, the woman is a lake.

The ocean has the adorning pearl;

The lake, dazzling poetry.

The man is the eagle flies;

The woman is the nightingale that sings.

Flying is dominating the space;

Sing is to conquer the soul.

Anyway, the man is placed where the land ends;

The woman where heaven begins.


She is a beautiful woman

b2ap3_thumbnail_917e2f2d79b07d22d324807f9d3f3.jpg  She is a beautiful woman ,

Your dreams are a stream in my ways ,your desires as each leaf of a tree ,

she is a beautiful woman ,the comfort of his armsare like the clouds of heaven ,

every time I need to rest my wounded soul ,and it lasts forever , every time I know where I belong ,and this love is eternal cry when their absence ,when I feel the need to love and find me ,

she is a beautiful woman ,she makes me need to breathe ,his gaze touching me ,

she me the wings to flyand feel like the only time I can dream ,

a symphony to understand it deeply ,and infinitely know the gift of love ,

she is a beautiful womanthat inspires me to believe ,that really love the tasteis not as sweet as it seems ,

or as a bitter and devastating pain ,but she makes me look in fine linen timeeverything is just like a fever ,

she is a beautiful woman ,so vain and seductive on the roads ,she makes me live as a child in the body of a man ,she makes me helpless in its loaded with affection looking

she is a beautiful womanwith intentions of faith ,she is a beautiful womanme playing the corners and hurts mebut her love always leaves me standing ,

a beautiful woman , a beautiful dream ,a desire eternal his arms ,a lifetime in the warmth of your lap ,

a beautiful woman

Always loved you

b2ap3_thumbnail_918dba47dd339d71fc1db2b52bd0b.jpg   I do not know the color of your eyes



Do not know your smile



I do not know the color of your skin …



But nobody knows you like I do!



Despite not feel your scent



Neither the taste of your kisses



No one knows better what goes



in your heart …



Always loved you, will always love you!



  Is there anything else about you that fascinates me



That makes me miss every



moment of my life …



Never saw you,



Not through the door



Not walking in your beach



But my heart always feel you



  this …



Your husky and sexy voice, I know



Your dengos, your weaknesses,



The way you treat me in our



  moments …



I would like one day to see you and touch you



You will always be my favorite



The woman of my dreams



The love of my life ….




I’m The synonym of the word INTENSITY … everything to the extreme!Can be desert or even the sea …My mood comes from my soul  and not the occasional annoyances …Tears are part of me …natural consequence ,since I’m more crying than laughing …life imposed me almost always .Today I am poem …Tomorrow verse without rhyme …I can not be anything but a reflection of my heart …I fight with my demons trying to be better and loose my fairies to take me on their wings ,the magical world of dreams …Pride ‘m dreaming ,after all there is no impossible dream but impossible people.LOVE I do not know what is right …other day thought I loved …loved it … love it … do not know .My philosophy is that not everything can be explained,some things just FEEL and ready .What actually like to do does not yield financial profit … write me ,create with hands that come from my heart .I’m the face that rarely smiled in life …AM JUST A LONE EAGLE !