Gothic Love


You are my gorgeous nightmare


My one true love my faithful darkness


We may be dark souls at heart


But when I’m with you I feel as if


I’m in the light once more




You never tell a lie to me


Even if you feel like you want to


So I know that with you


I’m not bound to illusions


Like how I have been before




Our insanity balances one another out


Two lovers within a gothic romance


Nothing could ever break us apart


We are tied together forever


Never to falter for anything




I could go on and on about


Each and every little thing


That I love about you babe


I’m not going to though


Cause it’s not each part of you


I’m in love with


It’s all you as a whole that captivates me




Though right now in a tougher time


Bringing up some shadows of the past


I shall never leave your side


No matter how much that part of me


Screams at me to just walk away


Cause I just love you too damn much to listen




Owned by Dustin Smith



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