The Man and The Woman


Man is the highest of creatures;

The woman is the most sublime ideals.

Man is the brain;

The woman is the heart.

The brain produces light;

The heart, LOVE.

Light fruitful love resurrects.

The man is strong by reason;

The woman is invincible tears.

The reason convinces the tears move.

The man is capable of all heroism;

The woman, of all martyrs.

The ennobling heroism, martyrdom sublime.

The man is a code;

The woman is a gospel.

The code corrects, the gospel perfects.

The man is a temple, the woman is the tabernacle.

Before the temple we discover ourselves;

Kneel before the tabernacle.

The man thinks, the woman dreams.

Thinking is to have the skull, a larva;

Dreaming is having on the forehead, a halo.

The man is an ocean, the woman is a lake.

The ocean has the adorning pearl;

The lake, dazzling poetry.

The man is the eagle flies;

The woman is the nightingale that sings.

Flying is dominating the space;

Sing is to conquer the soul.

Anyway, the man is placed where the land ends;

The woman where heaven begins.


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