Always loved you

b2ap3_thumbnail_918dba47dd339d71fc1db2b52bd0b.jpg   I do not know the color of your eyes



Do not know your smile



I do not know the color of your skin …



But nobody knows you like I do!



Despite not feel your scent



Neither the taste of your kisses



No one knows better what goes



in your heart …



Always loved you, will always love you!



  Is there anything else about you that fascinates me



That makes me miss every



moment of my life …



Never saw you,



Not through the door



Not walking in your beach



But my heart always feel you



  this …



Your husky and sexy voice, I know



Your dengos, your weaknesses,



The way you treat me in our



  moments …



I would like one day to see you and touch you



You will always be my favorite



The woman of my dreams



The love of my life ….


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